Saturday, August 22, 2009

The right time to take a picture

I'm always planning when to take my pictures. What time of what day, what the weather will be, what the location should be. In reality a photograph can, and should, be made at any time and any place.
The weather, the time of day and the location make the image. As a photographer you control the frame so any situation will do.
When I came to this realization it gave me a sense of freedom.
All I had to do was put on my sneakers and step out of my apartment armed with my camera and my tripod. All else will fall into place according to my eye.

*deep breath*

So go out today and shoot, no matter whether Hurricane Bill makes an appearance or not.


  1. Having started landscape and wildlife photography myself...I feel that 'Light' is perhaps the only vital factor that controls the output...natural light is magical...transforming everything into surreal landscapes in seconds...every moment is precious. I love the way the mountains change, shift and flow like liquid gold with the changing light. Inspiring. Now portrait photography is another matter. Being with a great old world photographer is an experience no book can teach, I am lucky. I am very slowly learning that capturing the emotions of a person can be as challenging as shooting a hurricane! This comes with time, experience and love of the art form as well as love for people. With you being a lover of people....I think your skills and passion combined will make you one of the best young photographers around!

    The most important thing is one must love what they do, connect with the subject, and learn the practical skills...eventually mastering them.

    If you have the ‘eye’…………….you will not only look through your lend…but beyond. That is what true photography is about….looking beyond, inspiring those who see your work.

    Look forward to seeing your evolution…. And your butterfly wings soaring the magical realms of photography...!

    Always yours,

    Mystic Peace Poet

  2. Correction to following para:

    If you have the ‘eye’…………….you will not only look through your lens…but beyond. That is what true photography is about….looking beyond, inspiring those who see your work.
